
pop bottles

Happy Silver B-day to me..thats 25 for you simpletons.

you already know


rings and things

not a big man jewelry fan but this is hot
see it here


speed no!

sorry...im on a whip kick

read about it

im feeling it...video games into reality.


go speedracer

perfect for drives along the coast.

With an engine that runs on pure biodiesel, the Trident Iceni can do 2,000 miles on one tank of fuel - enough for a return trip to Venice from London.

It uses a technology called 'torque multiplication' which helps keeps the revs low and thus uses less fuel and gives out less emissions.

The chassis is made from stainless steel which won’t corrode and the body isbuilt of composite which will never rust or degrade


Turn my headphones up!

I need these in my life...So I can speed up going deaf



lightas in da air

Happy Independence Day to all my fellow Jamaicans. Just had to show off some of the greatness that is Jamaica.

The old....

jamaica old

And the new....

jamaica new

Man...I miss Jamaica. Can I get a Kola Champagne, patty, and coco bread please cuz clearly these women are eating right


what have i done?

I gave up my Robin. The sidekick 3 is now a thing of the past. Still trying to decide what ceremony to use to burn it. So what did I get? I joined the cult.


I'm so ashamed...yet so content. Still need a name for it. Robin became Nightwing when he got older...just doesnt have a good ring to me.


Soon as I made up my mind...

They drop this...New Sidekick...name..."Sidekick 2008". Real creative. Now should I upgrade to this or just dump the sk3 for the iphone...Decisions..

sk new
it is nice though. you can even customize the case and shell


Batman...with no Robin

Background..I live in almost middle of nowhere(cant be specifics I still got warrants).  For the past 20 months I've used my sidekick on roam and ran off a cingular network.  
Last night...no more service.  No resets, payin bill balance, etc seem to fix it.  Call t- mobile.  Since they dont serve this area and Ive been roaming they cant do a thing to help.   Solution...go to Chicago this weekend and see if my service works.  If it does and I come back and it goes out again...time to trash my faithful SK3 and upgrade...but to what?  If the service keeps working I'm still upgrading, I can  just wait longer to decide...... Iphone vs. Instinct vs. B-berry Bold vs. B-berry Thunder vs. HTC Diamond...the battle of the decade

note...the date says Jan 1...clearly today is not Jan 1.  Notice the lack of a G for service...



Ultimate mashup

What if Bruce Wayne was Optimus Prime?

You get this




Get Ready

The Return Is Upon Us.