
I Must Be Losing My Mind

So I just woke up (yeah at close to 11am, don't judge me) and I had to write down this crazy dream I had. I forgot the beginning, but at the end I was on some sort of spaceship that was on a railroad track. Now the ship was trying to get away from some fighter jets. But for some reason Drake was a pilot of one the fighter jets and was trying to shoot down the ship. He fired at us, missed, and turned around to come back for a second run. Now for some reason our ship was supposed to be going to Canada (maybe thats why Drake was trying to stop us). As we approach Canada for some reason the ship stops, like its a regular train. Who hops on? Kanye. Now somehow I missed the fact that Soulja Boy was on the ship already and he just somehow appeared once Kanye was on the ship. After that ship decided to go backwards and got stuck. When it got stuck regular people started to come on the ship. The driver kept trying to kick them off but they wouldn't listen.

Thats when I woke up. Anyone know what this dream meant????

1 comment:

n.harlem said...

I'm feeling this outerspace thing. It seems the general trend has somehow seeped into your dreams. -- Wayne's a Martian, Creative Recs look like moonboots and Max B. is talking about being wavy. (Well, I guess being wavy isn't outerspace, but it is pretty futuristic.)

Anyway, haha @ the dream. Thanks for sharing pimp.